Shouting out is liberating!!

Shiksha Surana
2 min readAug 16, 2021


Source — Amnesty International

A close family friend asked my parents why am I still working after marriage!

Let me give you a little context. Our prosperous and liberated Rajasthani community truly believe that women should not be burdened with work as it takes away their right to stay at home, tend to their families and children and overall obey their husbands in all matters. If a woman is working, it surely means that the husband is not earning enough to support his family and the society should definitely look down upon them. How very progressive!

My parents, unlike the typical Rajasthani community, are quite liberal. They have changed their views and opinions about most matters. They promote me to focus on my career. Now, my generally silent Mom, who don’t speak out on women’s rights in our community, was instigated to speak out as the topic was her unusual daughter.

She spoke or should I say shout out that time has changed and women have the right to work. Marriage doesn’t mean that a girl’s education is a piece of paper and career aspiration should be locked in a box. She went ahead to say that her daughter will continue working on bigger goals and he should let his daughters do the same. My taciturn dad also went ahead and said that he wants his daughter to be independent.

Now, after this heated fight, I doubt this person will remain a close family friend. But, I am glad to see that my parents are woke on women’s rights and are finally speaking out in public. I have never been more proud of them. And my Mom did confess, “I don’t want to hear bulls**t against you. I will shout out now.”



Shiksha Surana

Diverse interest in business, technology, travel, history & fiction that gushes out in form of blogs